Entry #10. Mad Cow Disease
Mad Cow Disease What is mad cow disease? You might ask. The film Fresh let me know there is a disease name mad cow disease also known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), this disease exists in a cow's brain affects their nervous system that would make the cow act different than other cows. The cow that has BSE might act nervous or wild. Mad cows jump out of control or cannot walk level on the ground. Mad cow disease doesn't only affect cows, it can also transfer to other cattle and people. People get BSE to have symptoms like loss of memory, unusual behavior, mobility issue, depression, and so on. The first outbreak in The United States was in December 2003, with people's panic and worry, the beef market dropped big. Even though it happens rarely, but how do we prevent getting BSE? Before telling you how to avoid the disease, we should know about the cause of the disease. The reason that mad cow disease dev...