Entry # Extra Credit. Fresh
The film Fresh is a documentary film that shows people about the issue of agriculture and how farmers are trying to change the food production system.
One scene I remember deeply from the documentary Fresh was a person who works in the hens shed throwing tiny, yellow, and fluffy chicks in a basket from about three feet above the ground. The worker didn't treat those baby chicks as lives, but treat them as objects. I know it's absurd to say that because those chicks are going to become chickens on my plate, and I understand workers need to save time in order to increase their productivity.
I am surprised at how much Americans can do eleven years ago(The film Fresh released in 2009). Industrialize the food industry has a positive effect on making sure most people in the United States have foods to eat. However, using machines and chemicals on our food could cause a lot of issues too. On the other hand, produce natural and high foods takes longer which causes the price of organic foods to go up. That's when the government needs to step in and make sure our foods are safe, also regulate the price of our foods.
I am not angry at the deception of the federal government involved. The government has to do something to not let people panic about the food people eat every day. I am sure the American government has a bottom line that promises the safety of food with rules and standards, at the same time endure the price of foods won't be to a point people can't afford. Compare to many other countries, foods produced in the United States are much safer and cheaper. Food is one of the most important aspects of the American economic system, if people are afraid of buying foods or can't afford to buy foods, our country will be in a disaster.
Greed is human nature, it reflects in the food businesses too. People are competitive in the food business because they want to make more money. People will only spend money on products that are worth buying. If a business produces foods that are low quality or high price, mainstreams customers won't choose those products. I am saddened by the lack of respect for humans by some American businesses. If those businesses won't even respect human life, but only thinking about the profits. These immoral businesses should be punished.
I didn't know corn can make so many products that I can't even relate them together. Corn steep liquor is made from corn, it grows a large amount of penicillin with corn steep liquor as the medium. Cons have endosperm that can make starch. Distill alcohol from corn can make ethanol; then percent of ethanol can blend with gas for gasoline power cars. Corn can be the most helpful and significant crop we have!
There are benefits that foods are so "engineered", it lets farmers produce more which gives them more profits. Also good for the people having enough food to eat. However, the land or water can get very polluted by the chemicals farms use on crops and animals. As our technology speedily grows, people want to apply it to everything including food production and that is normal.
I know there are bacteria in our food, I feel the human body is able to resist the bacteria. Hundreds of years ago, human-plant their own crops and raise their own meat, they didn't have all the technologies to detect the bacteria in their food. In the present day, foods all need to pass the standard, wrapped in sealed packages, or and keep in the freezer. I am not afraid of the hidden bacteria, but I always check if my foods have moles on it, if it does, I throw it away.
I think Americans should care about what we eat, immoral food businesses should be punished. We don't need to care too much about our food, most of them are safe. It's not like a lot of people die of foods from the grocery store every day, except those people eat foods past the expiration day or eat leftovers that had stayed in the frig for weeks. People shouldn't live a life worrying about food safety, otherwise, mentals health problems hit first rather food health problems. 😭
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