Entry # 5. Mayhem: Bag of Fast Food
This is an advertisement made by the Allstate cut-rate insurance with an idea of a fast-food trash bag causing mayhem. An interesting idea of this ad is it uses the point of view of a fast-food trash bag being thrown out to the road, and the trash bag is acted by a real person that can talk.

The author of the ad wants the audience to understand cut-rate insurance from Allstate could repay all of your car damage. Just like the car hit the barrier on the road because of the "fast food trash bag" at about 00:07 of this commercial, the "trash bag" said: If you got cut-rate insurance, you can get repay for this...".
The ad wants to promote people buying cut-rate insurance in order to pay less for every car damage because mayhem could be everywhere. The value of this commercial is to not cause any car damage just throwing anything outside the car window while driving and avoid car damage as possible.
I think the target audience is everyone that owns a car and drives a car almost every day because this ad is about Allstate car insurance, anyone drives have the chance of damaging the vehicle.

The context of this advertisement happens on a highway; an experience of a fast-food trash bag being thrown out of the car window, being hit, bounced around, and caused a car accident. One American culture is people eat s fast food in their car while driving. The other is most people have a car, so there are cars always driving around which means mayhem could happen anywhere and every day with different causes.
The target audience should be laughing while they watch this ad, it has good humor that would catch audiences' attention. This ad name "Bag of Fast Food", This bag of fast food is played as a person. When people see a "trash bag person" is bouncing around on a highway by cars and not get any damage, people usually have a mind call "taking pleasure in the misfortunes of others". In the last few seconds of the ad, the "trash bag" was hit out of the road to the woods, then twos big bears dragged the "trash bag" away which funny and unexpected.
The ad starts with cheerful music sounds like from the car radio, someone driving with French fries in his mouth. At the passenger seat sits a person telling you he is a big old fast-food trash bag with a cup of drink, catch up packages sticking on his head, at the same time the guy driving stuffed a food wrap into his front pocket.
Then, the trash bag was thrown out of the window by the driver. Trash bag rolled a couple round on the road with a bag hit the road sound. Suddenly, the camera shot changed to the point of view of a car driver seeing a trash bag rolling, honking, speedily turning the starring wheel, and pressing the brake. Squeak! Boom! Camara change back to the trash bag, a car at the trash bag's back crashing into the high way barrier.
The trash bag said a cut-rate repay could pay for that damage on the car. Another car comes to the trash bag, but it luckily when through the bottom of the car. Trash bag stood up, continue says:" So get Allstate where agent keeps you protected from mayhem..." A big truck comes and hits him again; blew him away to the woods with a sound of a plastic bag flying in the air. Two bears are dragging him, he continues to say "Like me."
At last, the Allstate logo shows with the name, businesses they do, and their phone number shows. A background deep voice says "Mayhem is everywhere, are you in good hands?"
This ad uses the experience of a trash bag on a road to advertising its product. The trash bag is throughout the whole ad. Also, mayhem happens whether it's happened to the car or the trash bag which refers to Allstate's theme "Mayhem is everywhere".
The ad is designed in chronological order, a trash bag's adventure on the high way. There is humor all over the ad, the trash bag speaks with a "used to voice" like he has been hit by many cars before, actually, he mentioned at the beginning:'' I am a big old bag of fast-food trash." The image that the ad has is yellow and grayish, what I think of is it's trying to imitate dust floating in the air because of fast car driving by. Another interesting part I found is there is a laughing voice "Ha, ha, ha!" when the trash bag was dragged by the bear. The laughing instigates you to laugh too same as many comedy shows have paid laughter soundtracks.
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